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VIVID LIGHT 2013 (3 works), May 24-June10, 2013



CircularQuay, Sydney
This work is about the magic of light.

Why are the shadows a brighter colour than the background - aren’t shadows always darker?

While the viewer contemplates this conundrum and the changing interaction of light and geometry, the possibility exists to experience what Henri Bergson called the “duree reelle”- time directly experienced, imbued with memory and imagination, as opposed to clock time. A single intuition is expanded in the mind into a moments of duration - this is the point when ART happens.

On another level the work is a demonstration of the additive properties of coloured light. When any two lights are at opposie ends of the spectrum, the result is white light, but the shadow areas appear as the colour of the light which is not being blocked.


Music: Schlaflose Nacht No 362 by Sherman Tang




Conservatorium of Music , as part of Wagnerlicht, a celebration of Wagner's bi-centenary.
Also shown at Bachhaus Museum, Eisenach, Germany between July and November 2013


This work describes the entry of the gods into Valhalla.

We know by this stage of the opera that the gods have built Valhalla with immense hubris, but have not the means to pay for it. They are bankrupt - it is all done with mirrors.
The crossing of the Rainbow Bridge is marked by a tiumphal horn motiff, but instead we draw attention to the the background serial music which relenlessly depicts the approach of the end of the gods. Using minimalist  composition we explore the musical distance within the leitmotif and landscape of Valhalla.
To the beat of this music the Blue Planet keeps turning from night to day, occasionally emitting a red warning of the impending disaster. And on closer examination we see the emblem of Humanism, the portent of Siegfried.


Music: Rainbow Bridge by Sherman Tang

Work No 3 "BONFIRE"​(in collaboration with Mike Day)

Fort Denison

"Geometric Field" solo show

Depot2 Gallery, 2 Danks St, Waterloo

22Jan-2Feb 2013

Sydney Non Objective Gallery,Group Show August 2013


Title: "Background Radiation"

Materials: Wood, acrylic, LED lights

Size: 3.2mx .8m


Music: Background Radiation by Sherman Tang



North Sydney Art Prize 2013

Coal Loader, North Sydney


"Diptych: Geometry and Light"

Dimensions: 140x70x8cm

Materials: Wood, acrylic, LED light

Willoughby Sculpture Prize 2013

The Incinerator, Willoughby


"Triptych: Geometry and Light"

Dimensions: 2100x 70x8cm

Materials: Wood, acrylic, spotlight



Factory 49 Group Show 2013



Dimensions: 70x70x8cm

Materials: Wood, acrylic


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